Up the Fun Factor with a Peplum Skirt Refashion

The Peplum skirt Refashion Tutorial

New Year’s Eve is just around the corner.

Here’s a quick refashion idea perfect for any celebration.

Start with a long thrift store skirt.

 The Peplum skirt Refashion Tutorial3

Cut off the bottom to your desired length, leaving just enough for a hem.

The Peplum skirt Refashion Tutorial4

To make the peplum, first measure your waist and divide by 6.28. This will give you the distance to measure for the top of your peplum.

Then, using the part of the skirt you cut off, measure that distance from the corner fold marking every so often to create a curved line. Notice the fold on the right side of the skirt.

The Peplum skirt Refashion Tutorial5

Then measure the desired length of the peplum from the first line and draw another curved line.

The Peplum skirt Refashion Tutorial6

Cut these two lines and repeat on the other side of the skirt bottom.

The Peplum skirt Refashion Tutorial7

This will give you two half circles. Right sides together, sew one set of short sides together and finish the other ends with a small hem. Then your peplum will be removable and your skirt more versatile.

The Peplum skirt Refashion Tutorial8

I didn’t want to let the nice bias tape at the bottom of the original skirt go to waste so I unpicked it and used it to finish the top of my peplum.

The Peplum skirt Refashion Tutorial9

Pin and sew the bias tape to the top of the peplum.

The Peplum skirt Refashion Tutorial10

Finish the sides and the bottom of the peplum with a hem or bias tape.

I prefer bias tape to finish a rounded edge. After digging around my sewing supplies, I realized there was no black bias tape to be found. Dang! But trying to be a true refashionista, I just made my own with some light weight black fabric from my stash. (I’m working on a bias tape tutorial for you right now. It’s actually quite easy and makes such a nice finish for any edge. If you’re anything like me, once you learn how, you’ll want to finish everything with this stuff.)

Nothing like the feeling of making due with what you have on hand. 🙂

The Peplum skirt Refashion Tutorial11

Attach a hook and eye so you can remove your peplum for other looks.

And now you’re ready for anything the New Year brings your way!

The Peplum skirt Refashion Tutorial

The Peplum skirt Refashion Tutorial3 peplum skirt refashion tutorial

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About The Renegade Seamstress

I'm a busy wife, mom, grandma, and teacher who loves to create. I've joined the refashion scene and I 'd like to share and connect with all those talented and creative people out there doing similar things.
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35 Responses to Up the Fun Factor with a Peplum Skirt Refashion

  1. Cul de Sac says:

    Love the looks on you!

  2. Christine @ Projects Around The House says:

    This turned out so well! I love it!

  3. So cute, Beth. I’ve always loved peplums. Creating a removable peplum is a great idea.

  4. Jo H. says:

    What a great idea – good instructions, too. I am looking forward to the bias tape tutorial; it will expand my sewing possibilities no end!

  5. I would have n e v e r thought of making a peplum! I’m amazed at the possibilities you see in outdated clothes. 🙂

  6. Aww, man your peplum looks awesome. I just did a removable peplum and it came out all flat, I couldn’t get the sweet little bell like shapes like yours. What type of material did you use and did your line it? I was using a wool with a satin lining. I top stitched it and I think that may have caused it to pull and distort the shape. Great job. Very jealous.

    • You know, I had to go look at the tag on the skirt. I was pleasantly surprised to find out it was a 100% Silk Liz Claiborne skirt. WOW. I should take a picture of the tag and add that to this post. I knew it had a nice feel to it. I usually look at the type of material but I don’t know why I didn’t this time. I’m even more excited because I got it for fifty cents. I didn’t line the peplum, but I did cut the semi circles on the fold which seemed to work great on this type of material. I’m going to try a peplum t shirt tomorrow, can’t wait. Good luck on your peplum and I hope it works out better for you next time.

  7. Another great idea beautifully executed. The skirt looks classic but with a twist: a removable peplum for 2 looks, it’s silk and only 50 cents! I’m really looking forward to the t-shirt one because they are blah but so plentiful.

    • Thanks, I’ll post the t shirt peplum as soon as I’m finished. I got a little side tracked today with producing some You Tube videos for my new refashion channel. It’s been fun…..
      Enjoy your day!

  8. Anonymous says:

    Love the polka dots ! I wondered why you didn’t use the the bias around the hem of the peplum, but then I saw what you did. The bias would have been too much of a break in the line. Much better to have the color continuouis. Good job!

  9. Pingback: Tutorial: Peplum skirt refashion | Sewing Patterns

  10. Houseofpinheiro says:

    Great idea x

  11. Dread Velvet says:

    How awesome and gorgeous. I have a dress that I’ve been wanting to repurpose, this tutorial is beyond perfect, I’ll be using this post as a reference for that project 🙂 I’ve seen a number of peplum DIYs and this is the best. Thank you!

  12. Pingback: Payton’s Onederland | Keeping Up With Grim Kardashian

  13. Liochka says:

    Thanks for yous tutos, they are simple and very clear.

  14. Prisca Marufu says:

    Quite interesting and now iam going to make new wardrobe out of my boring old dresses. That’s great,iam looking forward for my new clothes

  15. mary m says:

    My mother was married in 1926 and her high styled wedding gown had a dropped waist with a

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