
Headshot for eHow

I’m a busy mom, wife, grandma and teacher who loves to create. I think refashioning and sewing is ridiculously fun.  Through this blog, I hope to connect with those of you out there that love sewing as much as I do and possibly inspire a few of you to give it a try.

Thanks to the responses of nice people like you, this blog has brought opportunities to me that I never dreamed possible. Last April, Stash books accepted my book proposal and I have my first book coming out in September 2014.

I. Can’t. Wait!

I was also contacted by eHow last fall and they hired me to be a “Sewing Expert” and post to their site weekly. I have to pinch myself every once in awhile because I’m having so much fun!

As if that wasn’t great enough, BurdaStyle.com has asked me to create webinars, on-line sewing classes and sew alongs for them. So amazing!

It just keeps getting better and better!

Here are seven weird things you might not know about me:

1. I should never be allowed to have BBQ potato chips in the house! These crunchy little morsels of tasty goodness are like crack to me. As a matter of fact I’m dipping some in cottage cheese right now. Weird, huh?

2. I absolutely LOVE vintage campers. Here’s a picture of my 1966 Barth travel trailer parked in one of my favorite places in the world. But I’ll blog more about this in a future post.

3.  I’m a Project Runway Fan. Need I say more?

4. The Polar Bear Club has my name on it’s roster. One winter, while on a winter camp out in Northern Minnesota, I was crazy enough to first bake in a sauna, then run straight to a hole cut in a frozen lake and jump in! I. Thought. I. Was. Gonna. Die!

5. In my early twenties, I lived in an oil field camp. Yep, I was Oil Field Trash. My husband was a driller for Anderson Meyer in Wyoming and Utah so before we had kids, I traveled around with him. Fun times!

My hubby is the handsome one on the left! Oh Yah!!! 🙂

6. I literally cried tears of joy the Christmas I was eight when I opened my stuffed Snoopy because he was soooooooo cute. I still have him, I still get a little emotional when I hug him, and I want to be buried with him.

7. I’m a Kindergarten teacher. I’ve been a teacher for 24 years and have enjoyed (almost) every minute of it. When I grow up, I want to work in publishing. Magazines have always been my guilty pleasure and I’ve secretly wanted to set up photo shoots or be a graphic designer for one, but since I’ve lived in remote areas my whole adult life, I never thought it would be possible. Hmmmm….maybe dreams do come true…….

182 Responses to About

  1. Sallyhp says:

    Can’t wait to follow you!

    • I thought I had something on there to click to follow, but I guess not. Do you have any advice? Plus, I’d like to link your blog into mine, Sara, if that would be OK. I’m just figuring that out too. This is so much fun! Thanks for checking my blog out.

    • Mary Esselman says:

      When I saw refashion on pinterest…..I knew it was for me. Poverty forced me to do this for my family … long before it was fashionable. I get a kick out of the refashioned mittens from sweaters…..sold for up to $50 at some craft shows (no kidding). I did this when my children were small. My mother, grandmother, and great-aunts re-fashioned for many years during the depression. So (sew :)) I am looking forward to all of the innovative and fashionable ideas. I recently took all of my old nursing scrubs and made summer tops for me and summer dresses for my grand-daughter. They are soft, worn, and wrinkle proof. LOVE THEM! I am thinking infinity scarfs out of the scrubs too… now that I see this blog.

      I have a question! I need to purchase a new sewing machine. I don’t need to take out a new mortgage…just want a good sturdy/standard machine. I grew up using a sears/Kenmore at home and a simplicity in home-EC (do they even offer home-EC in school anymore…..loved it). I don’t need a machine to embroider a million different things and I would prefer non-computer. I DO NEED the machine to mend heavy fabric. I make my own slip covers and am constantly mending denim/cotton duck (my husband is an avid hunter/wood splitter/outdoors-man). I had a White….but it only lasted two years. Do you have to purchase a serger separately? I have never used one and would like to take a class. I could go on-and-on.

      • Hi Mary,
        Sounds like this is right up your alley! I loved hearing about your creations and I’d love to see them sometime.
        I just use a basic Singer machine for my refashions. I don’t have a Serger, although I’d love to have one someday. It would need to be purchased separately.
        Happy sewing!

    • Heidi C. says:

      Okay just found you last night I am psyched! Your ideas are wonderful. I am a first grade teacher in Maine. Love to be creative too, but have felt the winter blahs bad this year. I am going to go thrifting today and make something tonight! Thanks so much, Heidi

    • Caroline Daems says:

      I just got to know your blogg by through pinterest . After a long break I’m starting to sew again and was looking for easy pattern making but this way of refashion cloths is also a nice way to go. Youre story is very inspiring
      greetings from Belgium

    • cinda & ron johnson says:

      Just found you and I’m excited to think you may be able to help me with a project. I have a 3 piece beautiful silk outfit that I spent way too much $$$ on for my daughter’s wedding 15 yrs. ago. I will no longer wear it as a skirt & sleeveless top….but possibly I’ll wear the jacket with some jeans. What do I make out of the skirt & top. I’m totally stumped for ideas. Cinda from Bend, Oregon

    • Mitch D/ says:

      I didnt realize we had a such a local Renegade and a internet famous person…love the blog… keep up the great work

  2. Cheryl Sypher says:

    I just love all of this ….. I have been missing out on all this good stuff !

  3. gailmurton says:

    Okay, Bethleen. The only thing I think people may question….seriously—SHE’S a grandma?!

  4. You have been nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award! 🙂 Here is the link: http://letitbelovely.com/2012/02/15/sunshine-award/

  5. Stepping My Way to Bliss says:

    You SO do not look like a grandmother! Loving your blog…~~Bliss

  6. Deann Campbell says:

    Love all your wonderful upcycling ideas. I live in the Tri Cities, Washington. You make me want to be more creative!! Keep on blogging!!

  7. missmarys says:

    I’d like you to be a guest blogger if at all possible on my blog. You are SO unique and I have a diverse group of people following my blog. I like the re-innovation you do on clothing. Lord knows I have plenty of stuff in my closets that could go under the ripper.

    My blog does a lot. It’s not a cookie cutter blog. Lately I’m on an inspirational kick. You are inspiring.

    Visit missmarys.wordpress.com and see what I mean.

    Mary Fioretti, Algonquin, IL

    • Hi Mary,
      Thank you so much for your kind words. I’m not sure what a guest blogger does. What did you have in mind?

    • Sure Mary, I’m flattered you’d like me to be a guest blogger. What do I do?

      • missmarys says:

        Well, the reconstruction of your sweater was pretty cool. Do you have a summer thing you’re planning? If so You would send me the text and pics, you’d also put the same thing up on your blog. I would then paste and add the pics as well as direct them to your blog.

        I did that for a young couple that I encouraged to start blogging – they do DIY things on their mid-century home. Their adventures are cute.

        FYI, I use to be a School Board Member and president. I ❤ teachers.

        • OK, that sounds good. You’re also welcome to use something that I already posted if you’d like.
          I’m so glad you heart teachers! I work with some of the most dedicated, hard working people on the planet.

  8. Thanks for visting WeddingDressBlue. Refashioning is a fairly new hobby/practice of mine. It is nice to see the work of someone with a lot more practice.

  9. Thanks for visiting dettamodablog.com Us mama’s gotta support eachothers ventures 🙂 (Can’t say that i’m a grandma yet but with 5 adult children my day is coming) I’m in,ove with all of your how-to’s. Fabulous!

  10. lostdododesigns says:

    Hi there! I just wanted you to know that I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award! I think your blog is awesome! You can check out what it’s about at: http://lostdododesigns.wordpress.com/2012/03/29/the-versatile-blogger-award/.

  11. Pingback: Fashion RE-fashion: Meet Beth Huntington « missmarys

  12. Pingback: About | chic envelopements | Four Blue Hills (A repository, of sorts)

  13. Yordie Sands says:

    You have a lovely life and a handsome hubby too! Hugs Beth.

  14. bannisto says:

    Thank you so much for liking my blog. I like yours very much too! Your pictures are lovely… I need to up my game on photography!

    I am planning my wedding and I love some of the things your daughter did…


  15. Anonymous says:

    Happy Birthday!!!! Hope you have a great day!!! Love, Buster, Heather, & Brooke

  16. Bonnie says:

    Wow, what a cute blog! I LOVE your refashion creations – so creative and fun! So glad you popped in to visit me so I could find you. 😉

  17. amysworlds says:

    Thanks for the like on my post love from America, looking forward to seeing what you’re upto, the diy basket looks like a perfect sue for some of my fabric scraps!

  18. Subhan Zein says:

    Hello there,
    Wow, I like your blog design. It’s wonderful! Keep blogging and spreading the joy to the rest of the world, my lovely friend! 🙂

    Subhan Zein

  19. msminnesota says:

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! I live in MN and have never done the Polar Bear Plunge….you’re one brave woman!

  20. Thank you very much for the like! Your blog is fantastic-I love anything crafty and creative. I also enjoy watching Project Runway…some of the themes (like going to a pet shop for creating an outfit) are totally crazy, but that’s what makes it a great show!

    • I’m always so sad when Project Runway is over. I just can’t seem to get enough of it. I love shows where you get to watch someone’s creative process. Always amazes me with what they design!
      Enjoy your day!

  21. loosygoosey says:

    I love your blog first and foremost. Your husband is certainly a good looking fellow; that’s an awesome picture and would great blown up in black and white!
    I love that you are a kindergarten teacher, my daughter is in kindergarten this year. It’s such an amazing age, and we need more heartfelt, sincere teachers and need to appreciate the one’s that still teach. Godd luck and happy, happy blogging; it’s such a great outlet!

    • Hi Janis,
      I’m one lucky gal to be able to spend the day with some of the sweetest five year olds on the planet! We just had some chickens hatch in our incubator yesterday. I don’t think I’ll ever tire of the expressions of wonder on their faces when they see that.
      Thanks for the visit and the words of encouragement!
      Enjoy your day!

  22. loosygoosey says:

    I meant good luck-oops

  23. That’s so funny, cuz I read it that way!

  24. Liz says:

    Thanks for stopping by foodforfun and liking the evolving cookie:-) Love what you’re doing with your site. You do good work!

  25. Melissa says:

    You are sooooo cool! I just spent the last hour looking at all your projects and then making my husband look at them, too (he was most impressed by your blue and white striped cardigan transformation). Anyway, keep it up. 🙂

  26. Wow, thanks for checking out my blog! I went over to yours and I love the lino print of your feet. Now THAT’S something cool!
    I’m quite curious though…..what is fossicking?

  27. thanks for visiting my blog. It looks as if occupational health and safety was a big thing back in that handsome husband era. Not!

  28. askirtaweek says:

    Love your blog. Thanks for visiting mine!

  29. #1….I’ve got to get me some asparagus to try that recipe!
    #2….You know how much I love your blog and I finally have the chance to pass on an award to you! I’m passing the Kreativ Blogger Award your way and am so glad to do so. Here’s the link with the info: http://finefrugality.wordpress.com/2012/05/04/kreativ-blogger-award/
    Thanks for all you do!

  30. ideallyyourssewing says:

    Amazing blog! Looking forward to following you!

  31. I came to check out your blog today. I really, really like your site. Great organization and wonderful sewing tutorials. Makes me want to go home and sew! You liked my posts about our kitchen remodel – Granite for Christmas & Under cabinet lighting. Thanks so much! I’m just starting out and all the “likes” are encouraging.
    You sure are an inspiration. A Grandma! Seriously!
    I too, dream of working for a magazine someday. Editor of Better Homes & Gardens, Garden Design or Do It Yourself is my dream job. In a way, you already have a magazine – it’s online! 🙂
    Have a great day!

    • Thanks so much Adrienne!
      I’ve been enjoying your posts, too. I think this blogging thing is ridiculously fun! You are right, this is like having our own little magazines.
      I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us!

  32. I wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your blog. I have nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award…please find the link here: http://finefrugality.wordpress.com/2012/05/29/very-inspiring-blogger-award/ Thanks for all that you do!

  33. thekirakollection says:

    Started following your blog! Just got a quick look over and can’t wait to go home and hear about all your adventures and creations, love the pictures you have ~ can’t wait to read the stories that go with them!

  34. Hello! I have nominated your blog for not one, not two, not even three, but 4 awards!! Enjoy!

    Awards all over the place!

  35. Nice site! I’m especially drawn to your refashions—a definite inspiration! Thanks for liking our blogpost! 😀

  36. Hi, I nominated your blog for a couple of awards today. Stop by when you have a chance and pickup your badges!

  37. Hey there – Its Jim and Mary from Old World Garden – we have been trying to reach you to send you your farm basket from our giveaway – if you can – please contact us @ jcompetti@owgarden.com. Thanks and love your blog!

  38. I have been following you for a while, now. I think your blog is terrific and would seriously love to feature you. Please, if you are interested send me an email…Thanks.

  39. Catie Carey says:

    I have nominated you for the Lovely Blog Award. Congratulations! If you would like to participate details are here: http://getcareydaway.com/2012/07/04/one-lovely-blog-award/

  40. jmquilts says:

    I’m so glad you found my blog so that I could find yours! You are creative and cute and sound like you are fun to be around. I can’t wait to see your next projects.

  41. Halloo!!! My sisters and I have nominated you for 3 lovely awards! Congratulations and God bless! http://themthreepees.wordpress.com/2012/08/09/thankyouverymuch/

  42. Hi! I have nominated you for a Versatile Blogger Award! Read about it here: http://christinadesignsart.wordpress.com/2012/08/09/versatile-blogger-award/

  43. Look at you go with the awards! I just nominated you for the Inspiring Blog Award as well. You can see the post here: http://finefrugality.wordpress.com/2012/08/17/my-procrastinated-gratitude/ Thanks for a great blog!

  44. Good morning;
    I am happy to inform you that I have nominated you on my blog @ http://www.slave2myneedles.wordpress.com for the One Lovely Blog Award.


  45. Good morning! I know that some of you have already seen the post, but I want to “officially” let each of you know that you were nominated by your blogging friends for the “Good Neighbor Award!” Congratulations! 🙂 Best, Katherine http://pillowsalamode.wordpress.com/2012/09/21/good-neighbor-award-winners-2/

  46. Heidi says:

    What a joy to read your blog! I love sewing, am a Grandma, teacher, vintage trailer lover and love being a mom. Thanks for all the great ideas!

  47. Lynda Morgan says:

    I am so glad to have found you and all your repurposing or as I call it upcycling. I live in a 5th Wheel RV so love your cute little camping trailer. I am not sure about you being a grandmother but if you say so lol. You look like a college girl! I am rather a crafty diva myself and would love to show some of my creations sometimes. Excited to be here……

  48. Hi, Beth! Can you email me when you have a moment at k_scraper@hotmail.com? I have an invitation for you! 🙂

  49. fiammisday says:

    Lovely blog!!! Kisses from Florence!!!

    • Grazie! Penso che sia così divertente per incontrare persone da tutto il mondo. Il tuo blog si presenta come un sacco di divertimento, troppo! Grazie per la visita, spero che potremo diventare amici del blog!

  50. shawnfrommn says:

    Hi Beth, I have to tell you I absolutely love your blog. I am a relatively new sewer and your blog has been inspirational to me. Many of your posts make me feel like you live near to Minnesota. I live in the Alexandria, Minnesota area. I have been searching high and low for a sewing group in our area but am still searching. I would love to meet up with you – if you live near by. I would love to hear from you! My email address is msstoen@runestone.net

  51. Genny asher says:

    I enjoy your blog more than others of this sort . I am new to refashioning and have a few questions. 1) I fail as often as I succeed. Is this a natural progression? 2) what brand of sewing machine do you use? Genny.asher@yahoo.com

    • Hi Genny!
      Thanks for your encouragement! As far as failing, yes, many things I try don’t work out. But each time I fail, I learn something new, so in that respect it’s a win. 🙂 I use a pretty basic Singer sewing machine.
      Have fun refashioning and I’d love to see what you do sometime!
      Happy New Year!

  52. Hi Beth – I’m sure you have way more followers than this little award requires but I’m spreading some Valentine’s day blogging love and you were on my list. 😉 Enjoy. http://wp.me/p1qcrl-1yK

  53. At Margareta's Haus says:

    I think your blog is Super Sweet so I have nominated you for the Super Sweet Blogger award. Click on the link for instructions. Congratulations!!!! http://atmargaretashaus.wordpress.com/2013/02/16/super-sweet-blogging-award-2/

  54. Elizabeth - Lili & Mum's says:
  55. nanacathy2 says:

    Hi, I find your blog so useful and interesting that I have nominated you for a Liebster award. Here.http://nanacathydotcom.wordpress.com

  56. Sam.I.Am says:

    Wow!!! Your site is amazing…you are so creative. I am also a sewer and am going to be making some trips to our local thrift shops this week after seeing your redos. And yes…your hubby is “oh yah” !!! 🙂

  57. dawnhewitt1 says:

    From a fellow sister-sewer, wonderful blog!!! 🙂

  58. Jody Aubry says:

    Hi! I just Love Pintress. I saw your ruffled tshirt and I thought I send you a note.
    I’m a fun-loving 70’s girl that loves the romantic look of old Gunne sax. Recently I began refurbishing the arm and necklines of frayed Cotton/rayon old fashioned dresses. I just crochet a double chain in a contrasting colour and then attached to neckline and armhole.

    Thanks for your ideas!!! I like them



  59. Julie says:

    You are amazing and inspiring!!! Seriously! I can’t believe all the creative stuff you come up with from frumpy-looking items!!! I have always enjoyed a little thrift store shopping, but I never thought of trying to make something a whole different item. Well, after spending HOURS looking through your refashions, I attended my local store’s half off sale on Memorial Day. I picked up 26 items averaging $2.50 each!!! Some items are fine as-is, and some I have great ideas for. I think I got about a dozen long-sleeve and short-sleeve T’s in several colors! I already turned one into a shrug. It looks great and was so simple!! I will definitely be sending you some pictures soon! Thanks so much for sharing all your great ideas . . . I’m going to keep copying!

  60. mtetar says:

    Very inspiring blog. Be Blessed, Mtetar

  61. Logetty says:

    This is i have always been thinking of doing and now I see how. Thanks for sharing.

  62. Loving finding your blog:) Inspirational… I mainly upcycle clothes into bags, but have on occasion been brave enough to try and refashion clothes. Your blog is encouraging to try and reshape clothes more often. You can see my creations at http://vickymyerscreations.wordpress.com/

  63. Pingback: Wonderful Team Player Award – the final few nominations! | Welcome to my blog

  64. Lu Ann Leonard says:

    Love your tutorials!! Have been following the Refashion Runway and am so impressed by everyone’s creations. I used to make clothes all of the time and now mostly quilt, but would love to get into refashioning!! Thanks so much for posting all of the tutorials!! Can’t wait to try some!Do you need to have a serger machine to remake fashions from old knits, t-shirts?

    • Hi Lu Ann,
      I’m so glad you enjoyed Refashion Runway!! It was a lot of fun for me, too! I don’t have a serger. I just have a basic machine and mostly use a straight stitch and a zig zag stitch. I would love a serger, it would make many things much easier. Maybe someday………Sigh!
      I’d love to see your creations!

  65. Lu Ann Leonard says:

    It was so nice of you to reply to my comment. I do have one more question, though. It looks like a lot of the women who do the refashions have a dress form. Do you use one of those or just pin (or have someone) pin the clothes on you. Thank you so much for your insights. I will definitely post a picture if I make something that I am not embarrassed to show. LOL!

    • Hi Lu Ann,
      Yes, I do have a dress form, it does come in handy sometimes, but it’s not the same shape as I am. It has the same measurements just not my exact shape so I still end up putting on and taking off my garments many times throughout the whole process. Maybe someday I’ll be lucky enough to get a dress form shaped exactly like me.
      Happy sewing!

  66. Nora says:

    Hello Beth…

    Your site is such an inspiration, thanks! I am wanting to purchase a dress form and wondered which one do you use or prefer?


    • Nora says:

      P.S. My finger is numb from scrolling through all your blogs!!! But….that’s a good thing!

    • Hi Nora,
      I bought my dress form from Joann’s. Once in awhile they go on sale and that’s when I snagged mine. I will say, however, that even though it is my same measurements, it’s not my same shape. So, it does make some things easier, but i still have to try on and take off my projects several times while refashioning to make sure it has the proper fit. They do make dress forms that are your exact shape and someday I hope to have one. Hope this helps!!

      • Anonymous says:


        Do you have a drees form that you ‘dial in’ your own measurements? I see many options online and would like recommendations before placing an order.

        Thanks ever so much,


  67. Heather says:

    Hi! Love your blog and your refashions. I’m wondering where in central OR you are and whether you do work for others. I’m looking for a seamstress who clearly knows how to make things fit (not just adjust hems), and it looks like you know how to do that. 🙂

  68. Heather says:

    Central OR, Eastern OR…it’s all the same thing, right?! 🙂 Just kidding! I grew up in East Central Illinois, and when I lived on the east coast, people I met from Chicago would say that I was from Southern IL. It wasn’t even close, but for them, 80% of the state was Southern IL. I’m alarmed to now make the same type of generalization! Because I spent my first 8 years in OR in the Willamette Valley, anything east of the Cascades is Eastern OR. I should know better, too, as my dad grew up in north central WA.

    I live in Bend. And because we moved from the rainy side to Bend, I feel like I need to state that my husband and I moved here for a job–not just for the sunshine. 🙂

    I love what you do with reshaping thrift store finds. I would love to learn to do that, as there are so many things that have cute fabric but not-great shapes. I have basic sewing skills, but not great clothes-making skills. It doesn’t help that following the pattern results in clothing that seldom fits me. I truly need to learn how to fit clothing to myself. You clearly have that skill!

    • Hi Heather,
      We’re about six hours away from you. My husband grew up in Prineville and his sister lives in Redmond. We’re actually going over there this weekend for my niece’s wedding.

      I know what you mean about clothing not fitting well when you use a pattern. That’s exactly why I started refashioning. I just had basic sewing skills when I started all this and I learn so much with every project. I love how I can have clothes that fit me now with very little investment. That’s why I have this blog so I can share what I learn along the way with you and hopefully inspire you to try this yourself. It’s so rewarding and fun!

      Keep in touch!

  69. Pingback: We Interrupt This Blog-Cast… | Changing Your Clothes

  70. Hi,hope you are well!
    I am in the midst of setting up a new project. I am calling is Spread Your Wings and Craft and the idea is to create a central blog where craft tutorials can be shared to encourage and help people learn how to sew, knit, crochet, etc. I was wondering if you would mind if I promoted one or two of your tutorials? All this would consist of is using an image, explaining what the tutorial is for and a link back to your original post that readers can click on to take them through to the actual tutorial.
    Happy crafting 😀

  71. Amy says:

    I stumbled onto your blog-and I looked thru many of the tutorials-I just finished my first skirt! I’m 5’2″ and skirts are always so horribly long on me-I like them though….I bought a lovely skirt at the thrift store that I was going to get rid of-until I saw your blog-I just cut off the top (it’s a handkerchief style and I liked the bottom) -added some wide elastic-and voila! I’m now the proud owner of a lovely right about knee length handkerchief skirt!

  72. Anonymous says:

    What kind of interfacing do you prefer to use for your sweater projects?

  73. Geraldine says:

    What type of fabrics do you usually refashion/work with besides cotton?

  74. Suzanne says:

    Dear Beth, I just happened on to your blog and am so glad I did! You are amazing and I can’t wait to add a few items to my wardrobe from your up cycled projects. I have become a Goodwill “junkie” over the past year and almost never step inside a department store. Your ideas have broadened my search for dresses that are too big, sweaters that are shrunk and felted, and other items that are not quite fashionable the way they are. I started following you today and can’t wait to see what you come up with next! Thanks for sharing all your creativeness!!! Suzanne

    ps – Your daughter’s wedding was beautiful! She was a beaming bride!

  75. Petra says:

    Dear Beth, let me tell you, I love,love,love your book. So i purchased it on Amazon.com and while I am German, I posted the first 5 star review at Amazon.de.


    Hope you enjoy making this book as much as I do ready it. And maybe do one more.

    Thanks from Germany


  76. Lise says:

    I’m so happy I found your blog! You are simply brilliant! I picked up a huge men’s sweater at a thrift store today and was searching for something to make with it, and on finding your site I think another thrift trip is in order soon because I want to try so many of your projects! I can’t wait to get started.

  77. Gina Lincoln says:

    Wow! I’m stunned and on my way to goodwill!

  78. Jay says:

    Hi there Renegade Seamstress! I’ve just stumbled upon your site via Pinterest, and what joy!! Thank you for such awesome inspiration. So glad to have found you.

  79. wenkl says:

    I love the dress refashions. I was thinking of doing the same thing to a dress that would look better as a skirt.
    Snoopy is my favorite too!! I even bought snoopy curtains for my sewing room! I wanted bedding and curtains for my bedroom, but my husband said he was not going to sleep in a bed with a Snoopy comforter on it! Lol. I guess he just can’t feel the love…. I will be visiting again!! thanks

  80. I am pretty sure that I was about 8 when I got my first stuffed snoopy. I still have it too. 🙂 He is well loved and pretty dirty but what do you expect after 40 some years. Yikes!

    Cindy @ Upcycled Design Lab

  81. Hello. I popped in via your wide to narrow pants remake. I must say, I think they look gorgeous on you. I was looking for advice because I’m about to make maternity jeans for my daughter (among other things). Your blog looks really interesting, so I’ve followed you. Will be browsing slowly to savour it. My biggest project so far was my daughter’s lilac wedding dress. I blogged about it too! Happy sewing and refashioning. Kind regards, Margie

  82. Mondi says:

    I love your stuff. I am also a kindergarten teacher, and lost my dad a couple of years ago i couldn’t bear to let go of some of his clothes, this gives me some great ideas. THANK YOU THANK YOU! !

  83. Carmelita Durham says:

    How do I follow your blog?
    I’ve been sewing since I was 9 years old. My mom would let me sew on buttons. We made things out of necessity. Mom was tall and slender in a time when everyone was curvy-she always had to alter o sew from scratch. Her aunt taught her to look at ready made garments and make her own pattern. SO COOL! I made my first dress from scraps she let me have. It was my ‘little house on the prairie’ dress – no pattern – just my imagination. As a teen I looked through magazines for ideas, then take hand-me-downs & ‘rag store’ items and alter them to size and style.
    So excited to find others who enjoy this same craft.

  84. Hello,
    I am contacting you from Alma Jane’s in La Grande, OR. We have this vintage wedding dress that we are just trying to get ride of. We already contacted the Grandview Methodist Church about the Angel Gown project, but the aren’t taking any more wedding gowns. So then we thought maybe you would be interested.
    Please let us know if it is something you are interested in.
    All the best,
    Priscilla for Alma Jane’s

  85. Marinda Daly says:

    Dear Beth

    Yes, you have some fans here in South Africa too, which is where I found and bought “The Refashion Handbook”. I love your vibrant style and the fact that you clearly communicate your line of thinking behind each refashion. Would very much like to interview you, specifically regarding your creativity. I have a few exciting ideas in mind. To help you make a decision, please visit my blog (www.daintydoodah.com), which will give you a very good idea of my writing background and writing style. I do so hope you’ll be agreeable. If you are, could we perhaps take discussion of the topic offline?

    Thanks and keep well!


  86. Maryann Gonzales says:

    I love your blog!!! I would love to be as creative as you are and you give me inspiration to get up and do more. Thank you!

  87. mbolderson says:

    Love your blog renegade seamstress. You inspire me to not stress out so much on content creation. you make it so simple even with thousand other things you do everyday. I am starting a blog. not much content yet will be adding more soon! Thank you for being such an inspiration!

  88. Paula Stewart says:

    Hello Beth,
    I love the add on Pinterest of your ehow flannel scarves and the story of the special Christmas that was a Handmade Holiday. I love all crafting myself too!!! I would love to make some of the flannel scarves out of the same colored fabric as yours in the picture, but can’t seem to find any that pretty. Would you share where you found your fabric for these lovely scarves💕
    Thanks so much,
    Paula from Kentucky

  89. undiversell says:

    Hello Beth, your site is so inspiring. So many ideas! I really enjoy every post I have already read! Need to go in the attic and grab some stuff to upcycle. Thank you for sharing this with us. Kind regards Undine from Germany

  90. Miss Dale says:

    You’re fantastic!

  91. atkokosplace says:

    You had me at bubbles….and I just fell in from there! I am a sucker for those vintage travel trailers. I’m looking for one now. Nice to meet you and can’t wait to read more! Cheers, Koko 🙂

  92. Susan Gillespie says:

    Thanks for your inspiring book “ReFashion Handbook”. l need to see more of your ideas!

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