
Click on an image below to see the refashion.

If you like what you see as you scroll down through my projects and would like to get in on some refashion action,

join me for a BurdaStyle web seminar. You can get more information and sign up here:

 Refashion: Inspiration and Projects to Revamp and Recycle Your Wardrobe

Hope to see you there!

Click here for a complete list of refashion tutorials.

Pullover to cardigan refashion tutorial7jpg

Learn how to refashion an old sweater into a tote with this easy to follow photo tutorial from The Renegade Seamstress

Upcycle a thrift store sweater to cozy warm boot socks with this new sew tutorial by the Renegade Seamstress



The Peplum skirt Refashion Tutorial

T-Shirt Refashion Tutorial13

Upcycle a thrift store sweater with this easy to follow photo tutorial by the Renegade Seamstress

Upcycle a thrift store sweater with this easy to follow photo tutorial by the Renegade Seamstress

Kentucky Derby Dress

Vintage Vera Sheet Set Upcycled to a Skirt

Upcycled Wool Bow Clutch

The Ruffle Sweater Dress

Upcycled Gray Silk ruffle dress

Dress and Denim Refashion Tutorial

DIY Peplum T Shirt Refashion Tutorial2

76 Responses to Refashions

  1. awesomesauceasshattery says:

    These are all fantastic! You have an outstanding eye for “refashioning potential” & the finished products are amazing! =O)

  2. Wow! You are very clever and creative

  3. Anonymous says:

    Love all your refashioning work. Very clever.


  4. These are awesome! What great ideas.

  5. Susie says:

    I especially love the ruffled front shirt. Good job. 🙂

  6. Nice refashions! Resourceful and stylish!

  7. ChristinaGlazar says:

    You have a really cool blog ~ love your adventures and all you are sharing.

    • Thanks Christina!!! You don’t happen to be related to Carol Glaser?

      • ChristinaGlazar says:

        No, my last name is Glazar … almost the same, smile! Can’t wait for your next blog. I will talk about you in one of my next blogs. Just have to pick the topic first. Hugs!

        • I just thought maybe you changed the spelling for the blog. It was worth a shot. My friend Carol has 14 brothers and sisters and a sister named Christina. So I thought just maybe………..
          Oh, you are so nice to reference my blog. I can’t wait to see it!
          Have a good day!

  8. Pingback: fear and loathing |

  9. Love your refashions. I have a plaid wool blazer from the 1990’s with big shoulder pads. How would you refashion it?

  10. mummy2six says:

    My daughter and I were drooling over your site….LOVED your pics from your daughter’s wedding!! BTW, we love your boots pictured above…can you tell us brand/where you got them?

    Many blessings!

    Lori and Abigail

    • Hi Lori and Abigail, Thanks for visiting and I hope you’ll visit again soon. The boots are actually from Target a few years ago. $29.95. I think I hit a home run on them, I’m always getting compliments and they are super comfy! As a matter of fact some people have even thought they were Fry boots.
      Enjoy your Saturday!

  11. I am absolutely amazed by your refashions but I have also noticed that you have great style and you know exactly what works for your body. This is so inspirational and I am looking to learning a lot more from your site 🙂

  12. Heather Lynn says:

    Your amazing!!!! I always save so many old clothes and fabric because “one day” I will make something out of them! Many years have gone by and I have yet to remake anything! If only I was this creative!

  13. Sandy says:

    Amazing! I’ve gone through all of it. I still can’t believe it. Now I’m inspired to hit the thrift store and go through the closets again. Thank you for this incredible blog.

  14. Anonymous says:

    I never want to buy full priced clothes again !! Ha ha I e always had a small obsession with thrift store shopping and now I see what I can turn that into 🙂 awesome ideas !!!

  15. Wow! I’m so inspired by all your refashions! Many of them are so simple and seem doable for a beginner sewer!

  16. mtetar says:

    Great projects. Blessings, Mtetar

  17. Marie says:

    I love the refashion, but I do not often find French blog on this topic.
    Your blog is in the bar of my favorites, not only because it is a gold mine for me but because you put forth the work of another author blog (some are also in my favorite way).
      Anyway, I am very happy to follow your blog even though I have the language barrier.
    My favorite is the bow clunch. I like the blue color but also the shape!
    And Derby dress, what a wonderful job! And it fits you perfectly!

  18. Anonymous says:

    So awesome. I found this blog while googling randomly and have to say it’s kept my attention for a good 20 minutes! I think you are amazing and do such great work. I don’t own a sewing machine, but now I’m considering it!

    • Oh I hope you do round up a sewing machine and start sewing. It’s so much fun!!! Thanks for your nice comment!

      • furpurr says:

        Personally, as a “non-sewer”, I think EVERYONE should own a sewing machine, even if it is just an inexpensive one purchased at Walmart! Repairs come up, & machine sewing is easier than hand sewing. Plus, you just never know when inspiration will hit! {Mine is starting to hit, since I just retired last month!} 😉

  19. karen atlas says:

    I have somehow stumbled upon your site and it is amazing! I have great plans to rework many of my outdated and poorly fitting clothes that I can’t afford to replace. Thank you so much! I do have a question. Do you have any suggestions on taking a pair of men’s jeans,too long and too big, and changing them into a pair of stylish woman’s pants or jeans? I have many from my sons and some look like new. The ratty ones will be turned into baskets and tote bags and other things but the ones that are like new I would like to try to rework somehow. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
    Thank you

    • Hi Karen,
      Thanks for your kind, encouraging words. I’ll have to put my mind to your idea. I’m sure it can be accomplished somehow.

      • furpurr says:

        Would it work if Karen just took in the sides, to tighten the waist & legs both? I know she’d lose some of the front pocket doing that. She could remove then reattach the rear pockets though.
        Or, Karen, you could do what I plan to do with my old but still attractive denims: I’m turning 2 pairs into 2 maxi skirts! I’m going to add ‘scrap’ denim to one. The other, I am going to put in panels of batik! {I’ve a load of batiks that I got for a great deal, & I ADORE batiks!!}
        Once I turned a pair into a cross-body purse, using the thick inner seam as my strap. I’ve also turned an old denim jacket & pair of jeans into a huge floor pillow! {Wish I still had that thing!}

  20. woodyjojo says:

    This is awesome! I’m trying my first refashioning projects today, after getting a sewing machine for my birthday! I’m a total beginner, but one day I’ll be doing this stuff!

  21. Mel says:

    Just wanted to say a BIG THANKYOU for your upcycling of clothes, it’s AWESOME for me and my hubby is very happy as I am spending less on new clothes. I’m a big country gal n warm yet cold Australia so ur upcycling is GREAT for me! Thanks again SO much 🙂

  22. Anonymous says:

    I am simply amazed by your refashions! You motivate me to try all of these. I just love, love your site. I can’t wait to see what your next projects are and am eagerly awaiting them.

  23. Orooj says:

    I saw your site first when I was looking for an easy way to make something out of my husband’s shirt for my 6 yr old, the t-shirt dress you made for your grand daughter was inspirational in itself. Today I was searching for a quick way to make a shrug, and I came here again(I googled both times, forgot to bookmark your site the last time)! Your work is nothing short of amazing and you look so wonderful!! You should seriously think about modeling (or did you do some before?). I just wanted to say well done, and wish you the best of luck for your future, it’s truly pleasing to see someone with such verve,I hope I can have at least half as much by the time I’m a granny(4 kids, 1-6yr old, & yes they do drive me up the wall!!).

  24. Anonymous says:

    OK girl, you are just amazing and so talented it’s ridiculous! Your sense of style and seeing things for what they can be is so inspiring. I love these outfits! I don’t like to sew but may just have to try some of these…(my sewing machine could use some dusting off! 🙂 I just happened on your site but will definitely be following you to see what you come up with next! Thanks for all the great ideas!!!

  25. Elsa says:

    Hello, I just wanted to asj were to buy all these thinks??? I mean thw ones that you than refashion. In ssecond-hands???

  26. Nancy says:

    Your refashions are really pretty. I’ve been browsing the web for several days looking at refashions and haven’t seen any as pretty as yours. I’m buying your book right now!

  27. Inge (the Netherlands) says:

    The other day I found a maxi dress at a thrift store I couldn’t resist. I cut it in half, turned the upper half in a dress for my 5 year old daughter and the lower half into a skirt for me. I’be been making clothes with patterns for 7 years, but find I’m the most proud of this and a little skirt I improvised for my girl. Seeing all the amazing things you’ve made is very inspiring! Maybe now I’ll find the courage to do this more often…. I’ll definitely visit your site some more for inspiration (and courage)! Thank you so much for sharing!

  28. Pingback: Alter Your Thrift, Alter Your Life | Sustainability In Style

  29. Anonymous says:

    This site is sooooo additive. So many wonderful upcycles, as I am a thrift shoppaholic! Thanks for the many tutorials. I just went thru my closet to get rid of some very old garments and was hesitating about throwing them out, but tired of holding on to them sayin, “oh, i’m gona make this and that” or I’ll take these to the Shelters. But this site has me overloading again with love. thanks for sharing!

  30. Kat says:

    Hi there ,
    I do a YouTube channel tutorials , sometimes up cycle projects I was wondering if I use your ideas with a slight modifications. I will give you full credit for the design idea. Is that ok?

  31. Ardith Williams says:

    You are good I just wish I the insite to make thing like you. My sister bring me things for me to make things. You have giving me ideas. Thanks you

  32. ptbarnum2015 says:

    You have a gift! I love the photography and your poses. Very cute. Now I want to take a drive in the country.

  33. Pingback: 10 Ways to Save Money on Clothes – Frugal and Thriving

  34. Pingback: Creative DIY clothes ideas+ Interview | One and the same

  35. Debbie Whitworth says:

    I ran across a pin of yours on Pinterest that linked me to your website. Wow! What a great job you do on refashioning clothes into something anywhere from beautiful to spunky and fun. I can look at the pictures and directions you have and make what you have made, but I don’t seem to have the talent to picture things in my mind on my own and make something clever like you and so many others. Thank you for sharing your talent with me and so many others.


    • Wow, what a nice comment to read first thing in the morning. 🙂 Thank YOU, Debbie, for brightening my day with your encouraging words. It’s people like you that make me want to keep doing this. Have a wonderful day and Happy Sewing!!!

  36. Pingback: 2018 Personal Sewing Blogs | Lucy's Sewing Lab

  37. Katherine says:

    Wow I just LOVE your work – both your vision and your execution! And I didn’t notice your pear shape until you pointed it out in a comment. As a pear myself, I often think of buying one size bigger and working an item down to flatter my shape better, but I can never quite figure out how to do that. Seeing your work is inspiring! Thank you for putting it out to the world! Now, if only I had you in my sewing room to help me through the hurdles!

    • Hi Katherine, Yes, that’s the hard part about being a pear. Too big in one area and too small in another. It makes me happy to know that I’ve been of some help to you. Thank you for letting me know. Happy Sewing! Beth

  38. shanamania says:

    Hi! I love you’re creativity. You have inspired me. I have some old concert t’s that I love, but unfortunately I have outgrown them (to be fair to me- they were smaller in the first place). I would love to wear them. Do you have ideas of how I can revitalized them without making them a work out t-shirt? I’m thinking about an inverted V cut in the back and sewing in a contrasting colored material in the V.

  39. shanamania says:

    I did not proof that comment — YOUR creativity

  40. Laurie Schiet says:

    Hi Beth,
    I seem to remember you had a post about widening a blouse – either the back or maybe the side seams. But I can’t seem to find it on your blog. Can you post me a link if you do have such a post?

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